Installing pedometer cycling today is easy

The installation of the instrument at the base layer of pedometer cycling has two parts. One part is a small magnet, which is fixed on the banner, and the other is a sensor, which is connected to the counter, and then connected to the display screen.First of all, let’s talk about the installation of this sensor and this magnet. They are basically next to each other. Basically, they are pressed. There is a little difference in the middle. What I just pressed is the upper part of the press.

pedometer cycling

The upper part of the press is a little bit, so it can’t be sensed. Then I moved down a little distance, and it can’t be sensed after I came in. And then this, this magnet, this little rock, there’s a screw here, unscrew this.The two pieces can be taken apart, and then fixed on the banner. After the banner is fixed, it can be fixed together. The upper and lower parts of the body are fixed according to your own car model. Then I will solve the problem of this line by stepping on the brake line and rubbing it up slowly.Then there is a fixed module behind the display screen, and then it is fixed. After it is fixed, it is rolled up here. It doesn’t matter whether the left side or the right side is placed on the left side or the right side. According to your own situation, there are two buttons here. These two buttons, and then if you advance here, the speed here will be displayed. How many kilometers per hour, and then how to set this here,How to set this? Let me take a look at the picture. Let’s look at this manual. Just look at this manual. The instructions on this manual are also very detailed. I just looked at it and put this time.This pedometer cycling is introduced here. Thank you.

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